Wer immer tut, was er schon kann, bleibt immer das, was er schon ist“
Henry Ford
Success comes from curiosity, concentration, perseverance and self-criticism
Albert Einstein
It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission
Grace Hopper
Our attitute towards life determins lifes attitude towards us
John Mitchell
Everyone said it couldn't be done, then someone who hadn't heard that turned up and did it straight away!
Digitally experienced and always curious for more than 20 years. In times, nobody in Europe knew about Online RPGs, I pushed "Dark Age of Camelot" for the gaming unit of France Telecom to the top of the charts. Founding digital business is my DNA, from games industry to various performing Tech-companies. On my own and under the umbrella of ProSieben Joint Venture “Covus Ventures”, I led more than 20 Tech Start-Ups from the idea to a successful exit – Hands-on management and passion for high economic efficiency. It`s about future-proof strategies, keeping up the pace of digital change and spy on business ideas that matter. As an experienced entrepreneur, I headed the performance marketing agency WeQ together with Sven Lubek to over 250 employees at the peak and offices in Berlin, San Francisco, Tokyo and Singapore.
Time for a new era! Sustainable, relevant business cases on the radar, our Company Builder “Impact Plus Ventures” with Sven Lubek, Serge Licht and me as founding partners is born to market. We are a fast NextGen-Incubator, based in Berlin.